Whenever a user opens the app, the algorithm instantly combs through all available content and decides which content gets seen .The algorithm is responsible in choosing which posts go to the top of the newsfeed, which posts are featured on the explore tab, and which order stories, live videos, reels, and IGTV videos show up.
If you want a better performance for your Instagram posts, keep in mind the following factors that affects the Instagram Algorithm:

Interest - This is all about your Instagram behaviors. The accounts you interact with the most, the people you are tagged in photos with, and of course, the type of posts that you like and comment on.
Relationship - The algorithm uses your interactions to piece together who is closest to you.
Timeliness - If you post at a time when your followers are online and most active, you give yourself a better chance of getting more likes.
Frequency - If you check the Instagram app less often, your feed will be sorted into what Instagram thinks you’ll like, instead of chronologically.
Following - Instagram has more options to choose from if you follow a lot of people so you probably won’t see all of the posts from every account.
Usage - If you spend a lot of time on Instagram, you’re going to see more posts as Instagram digs deeper into its catalog. 😊
Now that you know what factors you have to keep in mind, we've got some tips for you to take advantage of the algorithm and get your content seen by your target audience!

Now that you have a guide to beat the Instagram Algorithm, you might want a guide to help you have a successful influencer marketing campaign.
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