Who doesn’t like birthdays? We don’t… we love birthdays! Especially if it’s our BlogaFam’s birthday. Every month since August of this year, we've been dedicating one day to celebrate everyone who was born in that month. We call it the BCH Birthday Bash!
Our October Birthday Bash was full of positive and creative energy. With 11 content creators coming together, we were preparing all we could to make them feel loved and special. It was a Sleepover at the Bloga Creator Hub and Content Creators stumbled in wearing work clothes, but soon after, emerged in cozy jammies - we're talking cute onesies and all!
Everyone introduced themselves, even the BCH, with a tour. To spice up the introductions a BCH Birthday Bash Bingo was the first game of the evening. The challenge: Every content Creator teams up to produce top-notch content for each room in the BCH— they were so ready for the challenge.

Our second game had them split into two teams for Pass The Message: Drawing Edition. One person at the end of each team's line gets to flex their artistic talent by drawing on the back of the person in front of them. Only they know the exact message that needs to be passed on. Another person, blindfolded at the front of the line, must then dash to the whiteboard and attempt to recreate the drawing. The challenge: it took almost an hour for a team to win. This game was not easy.
People creating, laughing, connecting, and collaborating was a sight to behold. Everyone definitely passed the vibe check! This was made possible by Miscuzi who sent Baked Macaroni and spoiled us with extra trays of Baked Clams and Pesto Stuffed Chicken. Everything from Miscuzi was delicious and they were served hot. We’re definitely a fan.

.It has been a week since the Birthday Bash, and we have our celebrants wishing it was their birthday again in the next month. Content Creators coming together to collaborate and build budding friendships— this is our wish for every Birthday Bash. Are you celebrating your birthday this November? Look out for the next announcement on our socials!